A faucet (tap) is a page that literally gives money. Specifically, give fractions of bitcoin (satoshis).And why there are people who give away money? Doesn't that sound a bit strange?
The faucets emerged on the scene bitcoin as a way to promote the currency and put it in the hands of people circulating it, since not everyone had technical expertise, equipment or time to undermine.
And, with the passage of time, have already become in almost in a tradition that has been replicated also in other criptomonedas (litecoin, dogecoin, etc). A tradition which, in addition, comes very well so that those who begin in this scene and created a wallet (wallet), can start to have little money in it.
The faucets are financed through banner ads that the owners put in the pages, as well as through donations (solidarity and altruism are relatively common in the bitcoin community).